Oct 2, 2014

Spanish adventure #2

Spanish adventure #2 - feeding hungry people

Waking up having nothing to do I tried to remember what my adventurous brother had given me of advice earlier. "Buy juice, bread and bananas and give it to people that looks hungry!"
So be it. Until the sun sets.
You have no idea how physically hard it is to carry groceries for eight hours straight. In tiny plastic bags, risping up your fingers and legs with almost half your body weight...remembering that being hungry all your life probably feels worse, it was easy to hang in.

I learned that there are lots of different people in a city that are hungry. You have the alcoholics, the druggies, the illegal immigrants, the "travelling people", the empty beds, and last but not least the unlucky ones. Amongst the first two groups they barely noticed getting food at all. Occasionally by-passers would say "gracias" instead. Regarding the people of the south, well, I now have a pending marriage request, missing bananas so much being the ultimate reason to instantly fall in love.

I wonder who sleeps in the empty beds. I never got to see them, but I hope they noticed my humble gesture. Spending eight hours could not even feed half of the city's hungry population. That is when you realize you can never help all of them. What you do doesn't matter for more than a few hours of well-being for a few people. You won't get appreciation. People won't stop to see what is happening. The hungry people will be hungry tomorrow again.
You suddenly feel very, very small and unimportant.

I hope many people noticed the girl with the plastic bags that day. If they would also do these kinds of things and spread the love, maybe the world would be a better place.
I hereby challenge you.

Bananas are after all really inexpensive.

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